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  • Activités réalisables en cours d'anglais, français, histoire, économie, droit en BEP ou Baccalauréat professionnel, à partir de documents authentiques. Certaines activités peuvent être adaptées aux classes de 4e et 3e de collège.
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12 novembre 2007

Anglais Bac Pro : "Grace Kelly", chanson de Mika : donner un conseil avec should


OBJECTIF : comprendre le sens d’une chanson contemporaine ; rebrasser les adjectifs de couleur ; être capable de donner un conseil.

GRACE KELLY (Mika, 2007)

Do I attract you ?

Do I repulse you with my queasy smile ?

Am I too dirty ?

Am I too flirty ?

Do I like what you like ?

I could be wholesome

I could be loathsome

I guess I’m a little bit shy

Why don’t you like me ?

Why don’t you like me without making me try ?

I try to be like Grace Kelly

But all her looks were too sad

So I try a little Freddy

I’ve gone identity mad !

I could be brown

I could be blue

I could be violet sky

I could be hurtful

I could be purple

I could be anything you like

Gotta be green

Gotta be mean

Gotta be everything more

Why don’t you like me ?

Why don’t you walk out the door !

How can I help it

How can I help it

How can I help what you think ?

Hello my baby

Hello my baby

Putting my life on the brink 

Why don’t you like me

Why don’t you like me

Like yourself ?

Should I bend over ?

Should I look older

Just to be put on your shelf ?

I try to be like Grace Kelly

But all her looks were too sad

So I try a little Freddy

I’ve gone identity mad !

I could be brown

I could be blue

I could be violet sky

I could be hurtful

I could be purple

I could be anything you like

Gotta be green

Gotta be mean

Gotta be everything more

Why don’t you like me ?

Why don’t you like me ?

Why don’t you walk out the door !

Say what you want to satisfy yourself

But you only want what eveybody else says you should want

Should want

I could be brown

I could be blue

I could be violet sky

I could be hurtful

I could be purple

I could be anything you like

Gotta be green

Gotta be mean

Gotta be everything more

Why don’t you like me ?

Why don’t you like me ?

Why don’t you walk out the door !

I could be brown

I could be blue

I could be violet sky

I could be hurtful

I could be purple

I could be anything you like

Gotta be green

Gotta be mean

Gotta be everything more

Why don’t you like me ?

Why don’t you like me ?

Why don’t you walk out the door !

1.      Préparation : les élèves font des recherches avant le cours pour répondre aux

questions suivantes : Who was Grace Kelly ? First an actress, then a princess. When and where was she born ? in 1929, in Philadelphia USA. When did she die ? in 1982, in Monacoville. Who did she marry ? She married Prince Rainier III of Monaco.

2.      Audition du début de la chanson : do you know this song ? What is the title ? Who sings it ? Do you like it/him ? What is it about ? Do you understand the words ?

3.      Un exercice de compréhension orale de cette chanson étant particulièrement périlleux, distribution des paroles et écoute intégrale. What is the song about ?

4. Elucidation du vocabulaire (les mots et expressions considérés comme difficiles sont surlignés dans le texte) : à l’aide d’un dictionnaire (bilingue ou unilingue selon le niveau), les élèves associent adjectifs du texte et synonymes :

queasy - flirty - wholesome - loathsome – hurtful – mean –

bad - disgusting - healthy – seductive – insulting – disgusting –

Ils classent les adjectifs en positive et negative.

Ils associent ces expressions et leurs traductions :

All her looks were too sad – I’ve gone identity mad – Walk out the door ! –

How can I help what you think ? – Putting my life on the brink – Just to be put on your shelf

Je ne sais plus qui je suis – Simplement pour être dans le coup – Sors de ma vie ! – Sa beauté était trop triste – En mettant ma vie au bord du gouffre – Comment te faire changer d’avis ?

5. Questions de compréhension écrite :

Who is Mika talking to ? He’s talking to his girlfriend.

What’s his problem ? His girlfriend doesn’t like him.

What’s his reaction ?  (Give examples.) He does all he can to attract her but it doesn’t work. For example, he asks her and himself a lot of questions, he copies celebrities.

Underline all the phrases showing the efforts he makes : I try to be, I could be, Gotta be, Should I ?

What is the connection between Grace Kelly and the song ? There is hardly any connection. When looking at the title we might think the song is about her biography, but it isn’t. Mika just says he copies her to please his girlfriend.

6. Continue the list of colours : I could be brown, I could be blue and imagine different shades : light, dark 

Idiom exercise : We say : blue with …   red with …   green with …    (fear ; shame ; cold)

as  yellow as a . . .   as white as a . . .    as black as . . .  (sheet ; coal ;lemon)

7. Production écrite : Mika is writing to the ‘problem page’ section of a magazine to ask for advice. Imagine his letter and the answer. (remue-méninges préalable pour récapituler l’expression du conseil, de la suggestion : I suggest, why don’t you ?, you should, you shouldn’t , imperative …)

Dear . . . , I’m deep in love with a girl. Her name’s … But the problem is. . . . To solve this problem, I’ve tried to . . . but it hasn’t worked.

So what should I do ?

Dear Mr Mika, your problem is very serious. I suggest first … You should tell her … Why don’t you … ? I wish you good luck.
