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11 juin 2007

Anglais BAc Pro : sujet d'examen : "Talking cameras"


                                        Big brother is shouting at you

Big brother is not only watching you - now he is shouting orders too. Britain's first 'talking' surveillance cameras have arrived in Middlesbrough. The system allows control room operators to yell through microphones at citizens who they see misbehaving.

According to Councillor Barry Coppinger, it is hoped the new cameras will provide extra security for anyone visiting the town centre by discouraging anti-social behaviour. He said :"Since the day the cameras were installed, people's response has been interesting. A lot of them are quite surprised when they hear the voice for the first time and feel guilty. It's like a public humiliation in a way, but it means that the person won't do it again. The voice addresses the person who is dropping litter for example, directly by saying 'could the gentleman in the green jacket please pick that up' or by warning ' your behavior is being monitored, it's being recorded'. It can be very embarrassing and the system will help to change the attitudes of those who cause trouble. People will think twice."

There was one incident when two men started fighting outside a nightclub. One of the operators warned them over the loudspeakers and they looked up, amazed, stopped fighting and went off in opposite directions. Another time a cyclist riding in a pedestrian area was ordered to stop.

In 2005, Middlesbrough's network helped to catch 678 offenders. It also helped locate fifteen missing people.

Apparently the offenders are the only ones who find the audio cameras intrusive. There have been no complaints about infringement of people's rights because the vast majority of them want to feel safe.

                                                       Source : Internet (Adapted)

Lexique :

to yell : hurler

amazed : très surpris

infringement : atteinte


A. Répondez en français aux questions suivantes, en utilisant uniquement les informations contenues dans le texte et en justifiant vos réponses. 5 pts

1. Quelle est l'originalité des caméras installées à Middlesbrough ?

2. Selon M. Coppinger, dans quel but ont-elles été mises en service ?

3. Comment la plupart des gens réagissent-ils lorsqu'ils sont pris en flagrant délit ?

4. Quel délit deux hommes ont-ils commis devant une boîte de nuit ?

5. Quel délit un cycliste a-t-il commis ?

B. Traduisez en français les deux derniers paragraphes (de "In 2005 ..." à "... feel safe". 3 pts

C. En utilisant l'impératif, dites en anglais à trois habitants de Middlesbrough :

  • de ramasser un papier
  • de ne pas écrire sur le mur
  • d'aider une dame âgée à traverser la rue  3 pts

D. Recopiez les phrases suivantes en mettant les phrases entre parenthèses à la forme exigée par le contexte. 5 pts

1. Middlesbrough (to install) new cameras in 2005.

2. The operators (to check) the cameras every day.

3. Ten cameras (to replace) last year.

4. Fifty more cameras (to arrive) next year.

5. If the city centre system (to be) a success, it will be extended into residential areas.

6. Jack Bonner generally (to mange) the system.

7. Yesterday the police (to arrest) four offenders.

8. Be careful ! Look ! The camera (to watch) you.

9.This system (use) by other towns for a few years.

10.The police hope criminality (to decrease) in the future.

E. Answer the following question in 6 to 8 lines in English. 4 pts

How would you react if talking cameras were installed in your town ?

Vous pouvez commencer ainsi : I live in (Noisy le Sec). If talking cameras were installed in my town, I'd ... I wouldn't ...

Ce sujet a été élaboré selon les normes du CECRL, mais n'a pas été testé officiellement.

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